February 3, 2009 Sigma Band
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At 3:44 AM, March 23, 2009, Bob said…
Dr James.
You think the government has gone crazy but it is all the natural order of things. A long time ago I predicted all this mess would come to a head in 2011. It is 2 years early or else it isn't over yet. I used the Kondietreif theory to figure things because the economy here in Detroit is always so exaggerated. I placed the change from hyper inflation to deflation in 1980. So 16 years of deflation followed by 16 years of hyper-deflation puts us right about where we are at. This will be followed by 16 years of inflation. Then 16 years of hyper-inflation. That puts the next depression in 2077 or so. So where is the news? I started getting ready for this over 10 years ago. I completely changed my business around and my marketing too. I hired a couple coaches and I am doing OK.
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