James Maggio's Sigma Bands

TRM's signature product is called "Sigma Bands" and has the capability of helping a trader identify overbought or oversold situations in a market using easy to use criteria based on mathematical probability theory and other advanced mathematical ideas. TRM's charts cover over 300 stocks, multiple commodities, foreign exchange, stock and group indexes and even the base metals of the London Metal Exchange.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008

Trading Commodity Spreads

I've been getting more requests regarding trading commodity-spreads using the Trade Risk Management charting service.

For those of you who don't aready know, TRM tracks a number of spreads for its subscribers and does it daily.
They're certainly worth a look-see because spreads require much less margin to trade and risk is generally lower than with straight-out futures contracts.

Here are a few examples:

There is an info-pack available on the very basics of spreads. You can get a copy sent to you at no cost by emailing john@traderiskmanagement.com.



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